Stanchester Quire
Would you like to learn some of the old Christmas carols from the South West of England? Then come along and join Stanchester Quire. The ability to read music is not necessary as we learn everything by ear. All you need is enthusiasm and a packed lunch: tea and coffee are provided. We learn these carols with a view to singing them at our season of public performances during December, although participation is not compulsory. Newcomers will be made very welcome!
Our practices will take place on the dates below, and are usually held in Leigh Village Hall, Chetnole Road, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 6HL. However, some will be held in St Andrew's Church in Leigh: there is no parking at the church, so please use the village hall car park.
Saturdays, 10.30am to 2.00pm:
8th February in church
8th March in church
5th April in church
3rd May in village hall
7th June in village hall
Mondays, 7.30 - 9.00pm, all in village hall:
17th February
17th March
14th April
12th May.
First session will be free for new members.
Cost per session for Saturdays is £10.00, Monday sessions are free of charge.
Further information from Phil George on 07778 119663.